Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Gracias por las regalos

Querido Papa,
Muchisimas gracias por los regalos que me regalo para mis cumpleanos este ano.

Me encanto los billetes de loteria, el libro de calles de Filadelfia y por supesto el cheque que voy a ahorrar por algo muy especial.
Era una surpresa muy grande recibir tantos regalos.
Un abrazo fuerte!
Un million besos!

Vanilla Thank You

Dear C & J,

Thank you so much for thinking of us while you were on your volunteer trip in Mexico!  We were delighted to receive the large bottle of vanilla that you brought back for us. Baking will be filled with love every time we add a drop. Muchisimas gracias!

Frog card

Monday, July 1, 2013

TY for Anniversary Card

Dear Aunt L,

Thank you for the anniversary card! It is always wonderful to hear from you. It gives us a great feeling to know how often you keep us in your thoughts and remember our most important moments! 


via FB

Sunday, June 30, 2013

TY for the Bon Voyage party

Dear Carol and Ken,

Thank you for the invitation to the Bon Voyage party for G & the girls. It was truly a lovely, tasty party on such a pleasant day.  My husband, A & I enjoyed every minute of the time spent with you and your guests. You are great hosts - thank you for welcoming us into your home. 


card: Flores - hand drawn, autographed card - Mother Earth (woman holding baby faces).


Dear G,

Thank you for re-intoducing me to Cake (and before that, Continental)! It has been a truly fun to have some little moments of real girl-friend time over tasty treats over these last few months. I can't wait for the next one. 

Thank you also for the chocolate-coverd dates with almonds. I can honestly say, to date, I don't remember the last time I had a date, but I sure love my chocolate and almonds, so I'm looking forward to trying them.  Its going to be fun hearing about other yummy delicacies you discover during your adventures in AD.

Thank you for the Thich Nhat Hanh book, Peace is Every Breath. As the introduction says, I will refer to it to "release the tension in your body, release the tension in your feelings, and bring about healing, joy and transformation. " I have everything to be pleased and peaceful in this life...I want to enjoy every breath of it. 

Hugs to You, my Sister, for decades past and decades to come,
PS - What a great Bon Voyage party!  So nice to meet so many people who love you!

TY for the perennials!

Dear Mary Ann and Doug,

We can't thank you enough for all the flowers you shared with us from your garden. 

We planted the flowers and we are keeping an eye on them daily to watch them blossom. We will enjoy seeing the colors change throughout the seasons as each one blooms in its own time. 

It is a delight to meet caring people like you. We look forward to sharing with our neighbors what you shared with us to help improve our street for years to come!

Karen & Andy

PS - Thank you also for the yummy and refreshing tea!

card: Tri-fold floral